NEW: Rising Gen-Z organization Dream for America (the progressive alternative to Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA) launched our first Pulse of Gen-Z Poll in early 2024. The poll sampled hundreds of high school and college kids from every region, ideology, and demographic in the country.
Nearly 250 students provided candid assessments of their political priorities, their support of the Biden-Harris administration, how they value a Taylor Swift endorsement, and much more!
A majority of respondents APPROVE of the job President Biden is doing.
77% of respondents said they viewed Donald Trump UNFAVORABLY.
Over 68% of respondents said they viewed Nikki Haley UNFAVORABLY.
The majority of respondents DO NOT support a primary challenge to Joe Biden.
While a majority of respondents (71%) felt Joe Biden was too old to be president, they also agreed (59%) that age would not matter in a matchup between Biden and Trump.
President Biden holds a 24-POINT lead with 17-year-olds turning 18 this November.
Gen-Z’s Top 5 Policy Priorities:
Asked what the most important issue determining their vote was, respondents consistently ranked the economy (22%), democracy (14%), abortion (12%), foreign policy (10%), and gun policies (9.1%) as their top issues.
Accordingly, a MAJORITY of students have a FAVORABLE view of the Democratic Party.
Asked whether a Taylor Swift endorsement would make them more or less likely to vote for President Biden, 66% of respondents said the endorsement would make no difference and 19% said the endorsement would make them more likely to vote for the president’s re-election.
Just for fun? Dream for America is proud to have supporters who span the full range of the astrological charts!
Read more: here.