Your vote counts, your voice matters.
White or black, male or female, rich or poor, old or young: we are all equal at the ballot box. Somewhere inside all of us, is the power to change the world – and voting is one of the best ways to decide our future because there is no such thing as a vote that does not matter. Below you’ll find resources from every state to check your voter registration, learn how to register to vote, and request mail-in or absentee ballots (if applicable).
Already registered but don’t know who to vote for? Dream for America will soon roll out a once-in-a-generation slate of candidates and endorsements to vote for in state and local elections across the nation this coming Fall. Visit our home page to signup for our email list and stay tuned on who Dream for America is backing and to see which candidates will empower young people and put the priorities of working people first.
Got questions? We’re here to help.
Q: Can I register to vote even though I’m not 18 yet?
A: Yes! All states allow for some form of pre-registration for voting, provided that you will be 18 on Election Day. Some states permit you to register as early as 16, while others specify later ages or dates when registration is permitted. Check when you can pre-register in your state here.
Q: How do I register to vote?
A: You can register to vote in-person or online. To register in-person, visit your local registrar’s office and ask for an application. You can register online using one of the tools on this page.
Q: Do I need my voter registration card to vote?
A: No. Depending on the requirements of the state where you live, you may need a form of identification to vote, but your voter registration card is not an ID. It merely confirms that you successfully registered and tells you where your polling place is.
Q: Is my registration still active if I haven’t voted in a few elections?
A: Potentially. Federal law requires that states engage in a certain amount of voter purging to remove inactive voters from the rolls, and many states have additional laws on top of that governing this process (you can see how your state handles this here).
For this reason, it is always best practice to check your registration before every election to confirm that you’re still registered. Check your registration using one of the tools on this page.
Q: Can I volunteer to be an Election Day worker at my polling place?
A: Absolutely! Poll workers are critical volunteers who keep our elections running smoothly (and sometimes you can even get paid a small stipend to do it). Check if you’re eligible using one of the tools on this page.
Q: If I can’t make it to my polling place on Election Day, what are my other options?
A: Most states have some form of early or absentee voting, and some states even fully operate elections using mail-in ballots. If you’re in one of these states, watch your mail you’ll be automatically sent a ballot in the mail anytime there’s an election. Otherwise, you’ll need to go to vote at your local registrar’s office in-person during your state’s early voting period or request an absentee ballot online. You can see early voting periods for each state here and request an absentee ballot here. In some cases, you can only vote absentee with a valid excuse. Check your state’s requirements using one of the tools on this page.
Q: What do I need to bring with me to vote in person?
A: This depends on what state you live in. More than likely, you will need some form of ID to vote. You can check here to see if one is required where you live. If an ID is required, a driver’s license will always be accepted, but certain states will accept other forms of ID. If you forget your ID, don’t worry. You can still vote by provisional ballot.