Sample Chapter Constitution/By-Laws
Dream for America (DFA) at [SCHOOL NAME] Constitution
Section 1. Name
The name of this Chapter shall be Dream for America (DFA) at [SCHOOL NAME].
Section 2. Mission Statement
Dream for America’s mission is to identify, educate, and mobilize students to promote liberal values on campus like the importance of economic opportunity, civil rights, and our democratic institutions. This is achieved with the distribution of academic resources, which include: setting up tables, distributing educational literature, engaging in face-to-face conversations, attracting a diverse range of speakers on campus, hosting thought-provoking student forums and debates, & providing in-person support provided by DFA staff.
Section 3. School Registration
The Chapter shall be independent in its decision-making from the national Dream for America organization. The Executive Board will register the Club or apply for its recognition as a registered student organization in accordance with campus policies.
Section 1. Voting Members
Membership in the Chapter is open to all full-time and part-time students, faculty, and staff of [SCHOOL NAME] who have attended at least one (1) meeting & remain in good standing with both the school and national organization.
Section 2. Affiliated Members
Affiliate membership in the Chapter shall be open to any individual who demonstrates an interest and willingness to support the goals and mission of the Chapter but does not attend the school. Affiliate members may take part in all events, activities, and privileges of the Chapter; though are not permitted to vote or hold officer positions.
Section 3. Non-Discrimination Policy
The Chapter will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Section 1. Leadership
The affairs of the Chapter shall be managed by its Officers. Officers shall have the general power to manage and control the affairs, business, assets, and property of the Club; adopt rules and regulations governing the actions and activities of the Club; and delegate its authority to additional officers, committees, and other members.
Officers shall also have the power to create special committees to discuss key issues or implement chapter objectives such as fundraising, events planning, or recruitment.
Section 2. Positions
The Chapter shall comprise of an odd number of officers with no fewer than three (3) serving at any given time. This will include the required three (3) officers needed to establish the Chapter: President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Additional positions may be created as is deemed necessary and voted on by chapter leadership.
Section 3. Elections & Term of Office
Elections shall be held between January 1st and January 31st of each academic year. The names of all officer candidates shall be made public to all voting members of the Chapter at least one (1) week prior to the election.
Beginning on the day of their election, Officers shall serve for one academic year and may be re-elected for subsequent terms.
Section 4. Duties of Officers
In addition to the required three (3) core members of the Chapter, officers may choose to create other roles to assist in chapter operations, marketing, outreach, programming, and more. The duties of Chapter officers include, but are not limited to the following:
- Presides over DFA chapter meetings and events
- Organizes and oversees officer meetings
- Develops organizational goals and strategies
- Maintains communication with administrators, faculty, & the nat’l organization
- Serves as spokesperson for the chapter
- Assumes the duties of the President in their absence
- Develops chapter goals and plans
- Facilitates officer elections & assists all executive officers as needed
- Coordinates chapter bonding activities & organizes end-of-year celebration
- Oversees chapter finances and maintains financial records
- Serves as primary signatory on financial accounts
- Handles payments and financial record-keeping
- Develops and executes fundraising initiatives
- Applies for and manages Democracy Grants and campus funds
- Collects chapter dues (if applicable)
- Keeps and distributes minutes for each chapter meeting
- Maintains up-to-date chapter membership records
- Obtains the appropriate rooms, spaces, and facilities for chapter activities
- Prepares, maintains, and manages the chapter calendar
- Notifies all members of upcoming meetings and events
- Assists with additional tasks as requested by the President
Social Media Director:
- Manages social media accounts for the chapter
- Develops promotional materials and social media content
- Develops and maintains chapter website (if applicable)
- Crafts newsletters and email campaigns to keep members informed
Outreach Coordinator:
- Plans and executes outreach initiatives
- Maintains relationships with like-minded organizations on campus
- Develops strategies to collaborate with other like-minded campus groups
- Serves as a liaison to Student Government/Council
- Captures images and video of chapter activities
- Maintain documented records and written accounts of chapter events, accomplishments, and impact
- Maintains physical & digital files and documents to share with future officers during leadership transitions
Programming Director:
- Develops educational sessions and training workshops
- Coordinates guest speakers, expert panels, and campus forums
- Provides resources for member development and learning
- Manages event logistics, including venues and supplies
Section 5. Removal of Officers
Officers may be removed from their position by a two-thirds vote of the chapter members present at a meeting called for that purpose. Reasons for removal must be clearly stated, and the officer in question must be given an opportunity to respond.
In the event of the removal or resignation of an officer, the vacancy shall be filled by an appointment made by the remaining officers.
Section 6. Meetings
The Club shall have meetings no less than once a month and more often as the Club officers deem necessary. Officers may meet more often in private to organize events and discuss chapter programming.
Section 1. Bookkeeping
The Chapter shall keep accurate, up-to-date, and complete records of financial accounts. The Chapter shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of all its membership meetings.
Section 2. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the chapter shall coincide with the academic year of [SCHOOL NAME].
Section 3. Dues
Membership dues (if any) shall be determined by a majority vote of the chapter members.
Section 1: Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any chapter member. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting at which they will be considered. Officers wishing to amend the Constitution must inform all members of a vote no less than one (1) week prior to the vote.
This Constitution may be altered, amended, & new Bylaws may be adopted by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all chapter members in present at a meeting called for that purpose.
In the event of the dissolution of DFA at [SCHOOL NAME], all remaining funds and assets shall be transferred to the Dream for America national organization in coordination with your local field representative.
This Constitution shall be ratified by a majority vote of the chapter members present at the first meeting of the academic year and shall take effect immediately.
This constitution template serves as a sample of what your constitution can include. Review of the sample and collaboration with your Dream Team in the drafting of your constitution is highly encouraged.