Our Impact

We’re growing faster than TPUSA did in its first year.


  • Chapters soon in a dozen states, with a volunteer network recruited in all 50 states.
  • Thousands of dollars in pilot Democracy Grants mobilizing students to organize for progressivism & stop Turning Point USA on campus
    • generated national coverage over counter protests against TPUSA & Kyle Rittenhouse’s college speaking tour at University of Memphis, Western Kentucky University, Kent State, & Clemson University
    • Newsweek
    • Twitter Video 1
    • Twitter Video 2
  • conducted Pulse of Gen-Z poll showing broad support for Pres. Biden & charting the course for our chapter advocacy
  • unveiled our Gen-Z Bill of Right’s policy platform guiding our chapter organizing & digital messaging
    • broad Gen-Z support for our platform & our general messaging that transcends demographics, party affiliation, & political ideology
  • working with 14 other youth-voter groups to officially partner with the Biden-Harris reelection campaign, with the goal of mobilizing 500,000 student volunteers to make 155+ million direct voter contacts


  • 100+ million impressions & accounts reached across social media
  • top reached audiences age range: 45% are 18-29 years old
  • published several editorials in the Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, & Courier Newsroom on youth issues, democracy, Pres. Biden, and more
  • helped coordinate and amplify the launch of Students for Biden & the historic Biden-Harris youth coalition endorsement


  • out-raising Turning Point USA’s first year fundraising 2-to-1 in just 6 months
  • HALF of our team represents swing-states or red-states
  • two-thirds of volunteers come from the suburbs or rural America
  • 48% of our volunteers identify as LGBTQ+
  • average grassroots contribution of $27
  • assembled a board of advisors composed of industry leading political strategists, community leaders, & elected officials