Sample Chapter Meeting Agenda

Dream for America [SCHOOL NAME] Chapter Meeting Agenda

Date: [Insert Date]

Time: [Insert Time]

Location: [Insert Location]

I. Sign-in Reminder

  • Members should sign-in as they arrive.
  • Remind members who have yet to sign in to do so before the meeting begins.

II. Call to Order, Always Start On-Time!

III. Introductions from Officers

IV. Chapter Updates

  • Summarize the success of previous events, recognize students and organizers who made those events possible.
  • Promote upcoming events and activities.
  • Invite members to get engaged by signing up for chapter committees, tabling shifts, and upcoming events.
  • Open forum to suggest chapter initiatives or ideas for upcoming events.

V. Main Activity (ideas below)

  • Invite a professor, local official, community leader, or other speaker to come lead a public policy discussion around a certain topic.
  • Have members contribute ideas for talking points for tabling events.
  • Organize a debate, panel, forum, and/or video screening and discussion.
  • Divide members into groups to help make protest signs, hang up posters, or chalk the sidewalks for an upcoming event.

VI. Closing & Adjournment

  • Take a group photo at the end of every meeting.
  • Final announcements, updates, call-to-actions.
  • Invite members to take home DFA signage and merchandise on their way out.