A Better World is Possible.

America First in hope, progress, & prosperity.

The Gen-Z Bill of Rights is a comprehensive platform by Dream for America outlining Gen-Z’s blueprint for America. By 2036, young people will make up 60% of the American electorate. We’re angry about the assault on civil rights, the surging cost of living, and the hijacking of America’s promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As the generation defined by school shootings and economic crises — which is now graduating into one of the most turbulent times in our nation’s history, we believe a better world is possible — but only if Gen-Z has a hand in shaping it.

Gen-Z knows what our priorities are. We’re everyday Americans who want opportunities for ourselves and security for our families. We want safe communities and decent educations. We want good healthcare that doesn’t force us to go broke when we get sick. We want our voices to be heard in a system ruled by special interests fighting to erode our democracy. We want to know that somebody is listening to us and fighting for our future. The problems of today require solutions from tomorrow that are not only ambitious and aspirational, but actionable from campuses to capitols. 

At critical moments throughout history, young people have always been at the forefront in marches and in movements – driving progress to secure a better future. The only way we fight fascism and defend democracy is to come together not as Democrats, not as Republicans – but as Americans, and as human beings first and foremost – to usher in a new era not about division, but about putting progress over politics – solving the problems that we all share. And this is what we’re fighting for.

Our platform is: the most comprehensive, representative, and visionary Gen-Z agenda for the future put out by any Gen-Z organization in the field.

Gen-Z's Blueprint for America:

  1. New Deal for the 21st Century
  2. America First in Quality of Life
  3. Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness
  4. Make America Cool Again
  5. Marshall Plan for America
  6. Wage A War on Poverty
  7. Achieve Universal Health Care
  8. World-Class Education
  9. Defend Our Democracy
  10. A Green New Century
  11. America Open For Business
  12. Stop the War on Drugs
  13. Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
  14. Guarantee Our Rights & Freedoms
  15. Safe Streets & Secure Neighborhoods
  16. Affordable Housing for All
  17. Secure Borders & Immigration Reform
  18. Leadership At Home & Abroad
  19. End the Teenage Mental Health Crisis
  20. Prevent Gun Violence