Leadership At Home & Abroad

America has always been a positive force for good in the world. From Franklin Roosevelt to John F. Kennedy, our nation has always led the way in spreading peace, prosperity, and democracy. In the years to come, we must maintain a policy of American exceptionalism & uphold our global preeminence as a shining city on a hill; a beacon of hope for the world. In order to best secure our national interests and protect the American people, we must honor our commitments and defend our allies; bolster our military and revitalize our Arsenal of Democracy; & ground our foreign policy in strength and diplomacy – leading the call for human rights and rallying international cooperation in the fight against global injustice. That means:

  • Building a 21st-century military that is the best-trained, best-equipped, and most effective fighting force in the world governed by strategy and security that maximizes effect and drives down cost.
  • Multiplying the impact of our foreign aid with new measures for transparency and accountability & upholding the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Working with our allies to dismantle global terror networks.
  • Strengthening relationships with NATO allies & international partners.
  • Preserving international institutions & the global world order. 
  • Supporting Ukraine in its defense against Russia.
  • Upholding an ironclad relationship between the United States & Israel.
  • Supporting a two-state solution for Israel & Palestine.
  • Preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
  • Hardening defenses at home by investing in first responders, law enforcement, and intelligence officers with the right resources.
  • Investing in education, infrastructure, healthcare, & innovation to build an America strong at home – so we can lead abroad.
  • Expanding AmeriCorp, the Peace Corps, & other national service opportunities.
  • Being a force against racism, antisemitism, and totalitarianism.
  • Taking care of our veterans when they return home by ensuring access to care & economic and education opportunities.
  • Leading the world on democracy, human rights, LGBTQ+ rights, gender equality, disability rights, labor standards, religious freedom, & Indigenous rights.

Fulfill Our Promise to Veterans

Every day, 22 veterans commit suicide. Over 30,000 veterans are homeless, and millions more have been disappointed by a system that fails to adequately address mental health or provide proper care, employment opportunities, and adequate support for societal reintegration. As a nation, we have a moral obligation to do more than offer some handshakes and platitudes. Those with the courage to defend our freedom, deserve that same courage from their government to provide an economy built for success and a country welcoming with open arms. That means:

  • Fully funding and resourcing the VA & eliminating VA-benefit backlogs.
  • Guaranteeing access to comprehensive mental health services.
  • Ensuring that all VA facilities meet the world-class standards of care.
  • Prioritizing our national security & maintaining military readiness.
  • Supporting veterans and military families in high education opportunities, job-training programs, career building, & starting families.
  • Drastically decreasing the veteran suicide rate.