Women’s Rights Are Human Rights

Today, gender equality and reproductive freedom are under siege from radical partisans who seek to strip women across this nation of their rights – from bodily autonomy to economic opportunity. Gen-Z believes that every issue is a women issue. While America has made tremendous strides in expanding opportunities for women – there is still more we can do to expand economic opportunity, safeguard physical security, protect civil rights, ensure social equality, & break down the barriers that hold women back. That means:

  • Codifying Roe v. Wade into law.
  • Protecting a woman’s right to access safe & legal abortion.
  • Ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment.
  • Ensuring all survivors of sexual assault – regardless of gender – have access to mental health counseling and legal resources.
  • Improving the access to & quality of postpartum care.
  • Closing the gender pay gap by passing the Paycheck Fairness Act.
  • Fighting back against far-right attempts to restrict access to quality, affordable reproductive health care.
  • Standing with Planned Parenthood & the essential health and reproductive care they provide for women.
  • Investing in women-owned small businesses.
  • Ending discrimination against pregnant and nursing workers.
  • Defending access to affordable contraception & preventive care.
  • Expanding higher education opportunities for women in STEM careers.
  • De-stigmatizing men’s mental health and sexual assault.
  • Stopping campus sexual assault.
  • Making quality, affordable universal childcare & pre-K a reality.
  • Guaranteeing paid family leave.
  • Ending violence against women by supporting survivors, ending the rape kit backlog, changing the culture that enables sexual violence, & confronting online harassment, abuse, and stalking.

Gen-Z's Blueprint for America:

  1. New Deal for the 21st Century
  2. America First in Quality of Life
  3. Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness
  4. Make America Cool Again
  5. Marshall Plan for America
  6. Wage A War on Poverty
  7. Achieve Universal Health Care
  8. World-Class Education
  9. Defend Our Democracy
  10. A Green New Century
  11. America Open For Business
  12. Stop the War on Drugs
  13. Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
  14. Guarantee Our Rights & Freedoms
  15. Safe Streets & Secure Neighborhoods
  16. Affordable Housing for All
  17. Secure Borders & Immigration Reform
  18. Leadership At Home & Abroad
  19. End the Teenage Mental Health Crisis
  20. Prevent Gun Violence