America First in Quality of Life

50 years ago, there was no better place than America to have a big dream. Every single American had a fair shot at getting a good job, raising a family, buying a house, and sending their kids to school – all on one income. For the most part, America has been a positive force for good in the world. From Roosevelt and Reagan to Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, our nation has always led the way in spreading peace, prosperity, and democracy.

Yet for millions of Americans – especially the next generation – the American dream has been downsized. Our country faces surging national debt, crumbling infrastructure, hollowed-out communities, the end of the US dollar’s dominance as the world’s unchallenged reserve currency, and record-levels of inequality nearing that of the Great Depression. Today, nine million children go to bed hungry. Millions of hard-working Americans are forced to choose between food and utilities; with millions more living on the brink, a single car repair or hospital visit away from disaster – problems even worse Black, Latino, Asian, and Native Americans. While partisan politicians bicker in Washington, local communities and working families get ignored and left behind.

Gen-Z are the leaders of tomorrow, and we have an obligation to our democracy and our economic future to reclaim our title as “America First” in jobs, healthcare, and education; not in fear, debt, and incarceration. To be strong abroad, we must first be strong at home. We must:

  1. Achieve Universal Healthcare by slashing skyrocketing prescription drug costs, expanding paid family and medical leave, and moving towards a public option to guarantee everyday Americans quality, affordable, and universal access to healthcare.
  2. Slash Prescription Drug Prices so that no American needs to gamble their savings to save their life.
  3. Tackle the Opioids Crisis to address the root causes of this crisis, from economic insecurity and social isolation to create supportive and healthy communities where individuals can responsibly thrive with health.
  4. Revitalize Public Health to move from a sick-care system to a wellness society.
  5. Provide a World-Class Education to make every public school a palace of learning, culture, and the pursuit of happiness; and truly guarantee that no child is left behind academically, socially, or economically.
  6. Enact Student Debt Relief to provide millions of Americans a path to economic stability.
  7. Guarantee Universal School Meals so that no child goes hungry in America.
  8. Make College Accessible To All by removing income as a barrier to opportunity.
  9. Usher in A New Era of Education to make America first in offering a world-class education.
  10. End the War on Drugs to remove the stigma surrounding drug use and addiction, make it easier for individuals to seek help without fear of criminal consequences, and eradicate the power of drug cartels.
  11. Invest in Affordable Housing for All to give all Americans access to safe, decent, and affordable housing.
  12. Combat Climate Change by creating a sustainable economy where everyone has a chance to be champions of our environment while still making a decent living.
  13. Achieve Clean Energy Independence to assert global leadership in the fight to lead a more safe, secure, and sustainable future.
  14. Lead the World in Land & Wildlife Conservation to conserve our country’s natural gifts, protect the livelihoods of people who depend on them, and enshrine the heart and soul of our collective national pride.
  15. Expand the TVA Nationwide to offer clean, efficient, reliable, and affordable energy for all who want it.
  16. Tackle the Teenage Mental Health Crisis by creating a culture that fosters hope and community and addresses the root causes of our mental health crisis.

Gen-Z's Blueprint for America:

  1. New Deal for the 21st Century
  2. America First in Quality of Life
  3. Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness
  4. Make America Cool Again
  5. Marshall Plan for America
  6. Wage A War on Poverty
  7. Achieve Universal Health Care
  8. World-Class Education
  9. Defend Our Democracy
  10. A Green New Century
  11. America Open For Business
  12. Stop the War on Drugs
  13. Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
  14. Guarantee Our Rights & Freedoms
  15. Safe Streets & Secure Neighborhoods
  16. Affordable Housing for All
  17. Secure Borders & Immigration Reform
  18. Leadership At Home & Abroad
  19. End the Teenage Mental Health Crisis
  20. Prevent Gun Violence