Stop the War on Drugs

For the last 50 years, the “War on Drugs” has been a disastrous policy failure excessively devastating communities of color and ruining the lives of millions of Americans. Furthermore, the War on Drugs has spent more than $1 trillion since 1971 locking up millions of Americans for nonviolent offenses, disproportionately arresting people of color, and unnecessarily criminalizing addiction rather than investing in treatment.

The War on Drugs has criminalized addiction and seen no fruit to bear, failing to curb drug use or revitalize left-behind communities. Substance use disorders are diseases, not crimes – and it’s time our government treats it as such. That means:

  • Legalizing medical marijuana.
  • Expunging all previous marijuana possession charges & releasing current inmates imprisoned on marijuana possession charges.
  • Refocusing priorities to stop dealers, rather than consumers.
  • Empowering communities to implement programs to teach adolescents about drug use and addiction.
  • Increasing the use of drug courts, harm reduction interventions, & treatment diversion programs.
  • Reorienting our public safety approach toward prevention.
  • Increasing licenses for dispensaries & other cannabis facilities.
  • Prioritizing rehabilitation over punishment.
  • Ending all incarceration for drug use alone and instead divert individuals to drug courts and treatment.
  • Targeting the illegal manufacturing of synthetic drugs. 
  • Cracking down on drug trafficking at our borders & ports of entry.

Gen-Z's Blueprint for America:

  1. New Deal for the 21st Century
  2. America First in Quality of Life
  3. Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness
  4. Make America Cool Again
  5. Marshall Plan for America
  6. Wage A War on Poverty
  7. Achieve Universal Health Care
  8. World-Class Education
  9. Defend Our Democracy
  10. A Green New Century
  11. America Open For Business
  12. Stop the War on Drugs
  13. Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
  14. Guarantee Our Rights & Freedoms
  15. Safe Streets & Secure Neighborhoods
  16. Affordable Housing for All
  17. Secure Borders & Immigration Reform
  18. Leadership At Home & Abroad
  19. End the Teenage Mental Health Crisis
  20. Prevent Gun Violence