Women’s Rights Are Human Rights

Your body is your choice, not the government’s. Today, gender equality and reproductive freedom are under siege from radical partisans who seek to strip women of their bodily autonomy and economic opportunity. Far-right politicians across the country have unleashed abortion bans, prosecuted women and doctors with fines and jail time, & are planning to further restrict access to birth control and other personal healthcare decisions. Our generation refuses to go back. We must shore up protections for women’s rights and their reproductive healthcare. That means:

  • Codifying Roe v. Wade into law.
  • Protecting a woman’s right to access safe & legal abortion.
  • Ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment.
  • Fighting back against far-right attempts to restrict access to quality, affordable reproductive health care.
  • Ensuring all survivors of sexual assault – regardless of gender – have access to mental health counseling and legal resources.
  • Improving the access to & quality of postpartum care.
  • Closing the gender pay gap by passing the Paycheck Fairness Act.
  • Standing with Planned Parenthood & the essential health and reproductive care they provide for women.
  • Investing in women-owned small businesses.
  • Ending discrimination against pregnant and nursing workers.
  • Defending access to birth control, contraception, & other medications.
  • Expanding higher education opportunities for women in STEM careers.
  • De-stigmatizing men’s mental health and sexual assault.
  • Stopping campus sexual assault.
  • Ending violence against women by supporting survivors
  • Making quality, affordable universal childcare & pre-K a reality.
  • Ending the rape kit backlog.
  • Confronting online harassment, abuse, and stalking.
  • Guaranteeing paid family leave.

Gen-Z's Blueprint for America:

  1. New Deal for the 21st Century
  2. America First in Quality of Life
  3. Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness
  4. Make America Cool Again
  5. Marshall Plan for America
  6. Wage A War on Poverty
  7. Achieve Universal Health Care
  8. World-Class Education
  9. Defend Our Democracy
  10. A Green New Century
  11. America Open For Business
  12. Stop the War on Drugs
  13. Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
  14. Guarantee Our Rights & Freedoms
  15. Safe Streets & Secure Neighborhoods
  16. Affordable Housing for All
  17. Secure Borders & Immigration Reform
  18. Leadership At Home & Abroad
  19. End the Teenage Mental Health Crisis
  20. Prevent Gun Violence